Some days!

I never got around to posting about my personal trainer session on Tuesday.  I worked hard with plenty of arm work.  My shoulder and arm still haven’t forgiven me.

Today I decided to get out for a run.  And things started conspiring against me from the minute I made that decision.  The clouds gathered and an up-to-then sunny morning soon had rain bucketing down.  I waited for it to slow down and the sky to start to brighten before getting my shoes on.  After all, I’ve got to learn to run in the wet sometime.

So, mindlessly put my shoes on and headed out.  I didn’t notice till near the end of the run that I had my “day” shoes on and not my runners!  My “day” shoes are a walking shoe style so, hopefully, no damage done (and probably why I really didn’t notice).

When I run I use MapMyFitness to log it.  Handy little app on my phone that sends all the data to the website so I can analyse it to death later.  Except today, for some reason, it threw a fit.  It was happy to start recording the time taken when I pressed start but decided not to start logging the distance gone until nearly 6 minutes in.  So I was shocked when I finished my run and saw my mins/mile time at 17 minutes and change!  Blimey!!!!  I walk faster than that and seeing as how I’d done a couple of long (for me) runs I knew it was wrong.  Soon corrected when I got home and on to the website.

The gods had obviously decided today was a good day to test me!

The run itself was marvellous.  Two longish runs and a short one – where I noticed the footwear faux pas and called it quits.  I pick up niggles easily enough without being foolish.  It felt good to be chugging along.  And equally rewarding was the relatively quick recovery between runs – though I possibly need to walk a bit faster as time seemed to pass by way too quickly for the distance covered.

And as I look out the window right now, the clouds are breaking open and the sun is coming out again.  <sigh>

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